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Ten places to please the range of LGBT travelers

The ABBA Museum is one of the more popular cultural attractions in Stockholm. Photo: Spud Hilton, The Chronicle

There are as many ways to travel as there are travelers, so to suppose that all LGBT people want to lie on a beach in Cancun is just as preposterous as supposing they all want to go trekking in Nepal. We tend to look at types of travel as being in a range between “leisure” and “discovery” (it’s much less snooty than “traveler versus tourist”). So recognizing that range of ways to go, here are our destination picks for LGBT travelers — five that are great for leisure, five for discovery — based on casual recommendations (not necessarily supported by stats) from a few industry insiders.

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And let’s be honest, that’s pretty darn gay.

Sign up for emails from Fagabond for advice, reviews, and deals to make your vacation as gay as you are.

And let’s be honest, that’s pretty darn gay.

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