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Why Does America Need a Black Pride Celebration?

Rainbow flags, beautiful toned bodies and eye-catching costumes. These are some of the sights at Black Gay Pride.

Black Gay Pride — also known simply as Black Pride — is a celebration of LGBTQ pride among persons of color. Both Black Gay Pride and LGBT Pride formed as a stance against discrimination and violence against LGBTQ persons by mainstream society. The LGBTQ equality movement started in the 1960s after the Stonewall Riots in which a group of LGBTQ persons (a large number of drag queens among them) protested a police raid that occurred at The Stonewall Inn, a popular NYC gay establishment. Since then, Pride has become one of the biggest celebrations in the country, that tens of thousands flock attend in different cities to celebrate. While both mainstream Pride and Black Pride focus largely on the empowerment and unification of the LGBTQ community, they are (in my opinion) two separate movements.

Black Pride began in 1988 in Los Angeles as a single event named At the Beach. The event was organized by a small group of friends whose shared purpose was to bring together a community of persons of color who identified as queer. And so Black Pride always had a rich cultural component by focusing on various issues affecting LGBTQ Black communities including safe sex, racial biases, homophobia, healthcare reform and domestic violence.

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And let’s be honest, that’s pretty darn gay.

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And let’s be honest, that’s pretty darn gay.

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