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Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla

Events in

September 7

Provincetown’s annual Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla embodies community, compassion, and environmental awareness. This event celebrates healing and unity as participants swim or paddle in Provincetown’s waters.

The event signifies Provincetown’s commitment to local well-being and the planet. Funds raised support health services, community initiatives, and environmental conservation. It’s a global event, attracting participants from France, Australia, Mexico, Canada, and more.

The Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla showcases Provincetown’s spirit of hope, acceptance, and promise. It highlights the link between individual well-being and environmental health. It’s a joyful celebration that aligns with Provincetown’s unique essence and dedication to making a positive impact.

Whether you’re a swimmer, paddler, supporter, or advocate for community and environmental consciousness, the event offers a chance to come together and create change. Join the festivities, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to a cause that echoes Provincetown’s essence.

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