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Relive ‘The Golden Girls’ Magic: Cindy Fee’s Cabaret Show Premieres in Chicago

Travel Tips | Rayme Gorniak | May 10, 2024

The Golden Girls is still a beloved classic that keeps fans hooked with its humor and heartwarming stories. Guess what? You can now relive the magic of this iconic show live in Chicago with Cindy Fee’s Cabaret Show! Known for her unforgettable rendition of the theme song Thank You for Being a Friend, Cindy Fee brings her incredible talent and charming stories to the stage in a special cabaret series.

A Cult Classic for All Ages

For some of us, The Golden Girls recently entered the cult television show fandom. While for others (perhaps of a certain age) this show has stood the test of time as we rewatch episodes we giggled at during its original Saturday run. Whether you’ve seen one episode or keep all 177 episodes on a loop, the theme song is something you just *know*.

Iconic Imagery and Song

Picture this: a plane piercing the golden-pink sky, a quick aerial view of downtown Miami from the early 1980s, and then we see three-fourths of our leading ladies, Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy. These visuals pair with one of the most quintessential TV sitcom theme songs of all time, Thank You for Being a Friend. Although Andrew Gold originally recorded the song (how fitting!), Cindy Fee’s version is the one we cherish, and she’s bringing more to sing and stories to tell in her Cabaret series premiering in Chicago.

Cindy Fee's Cabaret Show.

A New Show Celebrating Friendship

The show, Thank You for Being My Friends, perfectly showcases Cindy Fee’s talent while acknowledging how multiple generations find comfort in her singing. Her voice will fill the cabaret, alongside accompaniment by Jo Ann Daugherty, with some of the most fascinating stories from Fee’s varied career, starting with TV commercial jingles. As the song states, whether she calls them friends, pals, or confidants, Fee roots her show in how people along the way have shaped her life. For those curious about how she came to sing the theme song, she’ll share that story and more, including how she knew PeeWee Herman!

A Perfect Time to Visit Chicago

Chicago remains an awesome destination all year round, but let’s talk about the sweet spot — starting now, the weather behaves its best. Perfect timing to check out the city! Soak up some culture by heading over to the Venus Cabaret, charmingly attached to the historic Mercury Theater. Trust me, it’s a vibe you don’t want to miss! Showtimes are limited for Cindy Fee’s Cabaret Show, so score tickets for the May 24, 25, 31, and June 1 performances quickly. We won’t guarantee the *biggest gift*, but a night of great music and surprises awaits.

Cindy Fee's Cabaret Show.

Get Your Tickets

For more information and tickets to Cindy Fee’s Cabaret Show, visit Mercury Theater Chicago.

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